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5 Small Things That Will Make Your RV a Home

I think it's important to make your RV a home. Customizing it to your personality will bring you comfort and joy. I love coming home to our tiny home on wheels. There's something about building an environment and tailoring it to you that transforms your manufactured RV into a place you look forward to coming back to after a long day of roaming. Listed below are 5 things I've found helpful to make my RV a home.


1. A wax warmer is a great way to create a beautiful-smelling abode. Especially with the holidays around the corner, a pumpkin spiced wax melt can transform your mood and tiny abode. Why a wax warmer and not a candle? Unfortunately, RVs are extremely flammable. In less than a minute, you could lose your home to a small flame. A wax warmer gives the aroma of a candle without the flame. I specifically chose a warmer with a light to prevent me from forgetting to turn it off if we leave. This thoughtful feature gives me peace of mind.

2. Rugs not only give your home personality, but they provide some much-needed comfort on cold mornings.

An added bonus? If you have a family member with paws,

you'll find that they'll also favor rugs on a cold day.

They are also easily stowable, so if you'd like to change them with the seasons, they won't take up too much space. But I will give this warning: most RV parks have restrictions on what you can wash. So maintaining your rugs cleanliness can be difficult. Luckily, we haven't had any issues thus far.

3. Bedding is a simple way to give your bedroom personality. The stock bedding that came with our RV was bulky and itchy, which made it a very easy decision to change it. Since it doesn't take up too much space, we carry multiple sets of sheets. 2 lighter blankets for the spring and summer and one heavy duvet for the fall and winter. The great thing about a duvet is the cover. They're changeable and you won't have to wash a big, bulky blanket every week. Most RV parks that have laundry services will have restrictions on bulky items, like large blankets, rugs, and pet beds. Washing a duvet cover instead makes it easier to maintain proper sleep hygiene. With thousands of different prints to choose from, picking a few that suit your aesthetic will be easy.

4. Artwork. Most RVs come with a standard installed art frame. It will most likely feature boring doctor's office artwork in it. Switch it out! Put your favorite picture or painting in there. Keep in mind that the frame is meant to withstand movement, so pulling it off the wall can be tricky. We had to wiggle and slide ours off. If you're careful, it should come off with some patience. Ours currently holds a picture of the boys that was painted by a supporter. It's cheesy, I know, but since one of them is no longer with us, it's nice to see that someone loved him so much they took the time to create a painting. I cherish it dearly.

5. Lighting is a great way to create an ambiance in your home. Lamps, light strings, and fairy lights can all give you a warm and cozy environment. We use a light string that spans the length of our slide-out. Come Christmas time, we will switch that light string out for something more festive.

Fortunately, customizing your RV doesn't have to be time-consuming or expensive. Your personality can definitely shine with the addition of some simple and thoughtful details. After all, you will have to pack it all in when it's time to roam to your next destination. They say, "You should make a house a home." I say, "Even if it's a tiny home on wheels."


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